We mine amber
amber combine
The only enterprise in Russia where amber mining is carried out.
Annually, the Amber combine mining about 500 tons of raw materials.

The world's largest enterprise, where industrial amber mining is carried out.

The Kaliningrad Amber combine is the flagship of the Russian amber industry, a recognized world leader, closely integrated into the system of international production and turnover of amber and amber products, which determines trends and parameters of the world market

Corporate Agency

Mining and processing

Amber is the most valuable mineral extracted from the depths of the Kaliningrad region. It contains about 90% of the world's amber reserves.



occurence of amber-bearing layer

The depth of the roof of the amber-bearing layer at the Palmnikensky quarry is 10 m, the thickness is 5 m.



modern technologies

Break-in drums free from excess oxide crust, and amber reveals its natural beauty.



industrial extraction of amber

Every year, the Amber Plant produces about 500 tons of raw materials. Its reserves are estimated at 56 thousand tons.



plant production

Currently, the main products of the plant are raw amber, jewelry and semi-finished products and souvenirs from amber.



one of the main profiles

In an effort to preserve the natural structure of amber, the technologists of the plant created special running drums.



mass production

The line of jewelry products is represented by serial and exclusive jewelry, semi-finished products and blanks for jewelry production.

Our activities

Kaliningrad Amber Combine JSC

Kaliningrad Amber Combine JSC

Every year, the Amber Combine produces about 500 tons of raw materials. The reserves are estimated at 56,000 tons.

Partners and clients

Partners and clients

We offer highly qualified service, convenient terms of cooperation.

Mining and production

Mining and production

The bowels of the Kaliningrad Peninsula contain about 90% of all explored world reserves of amber.

Product Catalog

Product Catalog

The range of manufactured products includes more than 1000 items.

Jewelry manufacturing

Jewelry manufacturing

Serial and exclusive jewelry, semi-finished products and blanks for jewelry production.

Jewelry manufacturing

The line of jewelry products is represented by serial and exclusive jewelry, semi-finished products and blanks for jewelry production.

Kaliningrad Amber Combine JSC has its own network of retail stores, and its products are also purchased by trading partners in Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and China.

Янтарный комбинат


56 000 тонн
Запасы янтаря
500 тонн
Ежегодная добыча
90 %
Мировых запасов
894 чел.
Число сотрудников

Мы любим свою работу

и делаем её хорошо

Наша Миссия – превращение Комбината в признанного лидера мирового янтарного рынка, тесно интегрированного в систему международного производства и оборота янтаря и янтарной продукции.

Рекордная добыча

Ключевые показатели

Установлен абсолютный исторический рекорд – 525 тонн доведенного янтаря

Реализация янтаря

Организованные торги

В 2020 году Комбинатом реализовано 546,2 тонны янтаря на сумму 2 795,7 млн руб.


It should be noted that the results of the company's activities show that the course taken five years ago to increase production efficiency, improve working conditions and create a positive image of the Amber Combine allows for stable development and a confident look into the future.



It should be noted that the results of the company's activities show that the course taken five years ago to increase production efficiency, improve working conditions and create a positive image of the Amber Combine allows for stable development and a confident look into the future.


Our partners


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АО «Калининградский янтарный комбинат»

Единственное в мире предприятие по промышленной добыче и переработке янтаря. Расположено в пгт. Янтарный

Тел: +7 (4012) 31 08 55
E-mail: mail@ambercombine.ru
Адрес: 238580, Калининградская обл., п.Янтарный, ул.Балебина, д.1

Сотрудничество с нами

Калининградский янтарный комбинат

Мы намерены развивать отношения с организациями, которые занимаются переработкой янтаря и реализацией готовой продукции

Социальные Сети
